Welcome !

I offer astrology readings based on a mix of ancient techniques and new discoveries.

Most ancient cultures practiced astrology, organized much of their lives around it, and frequently aligned their buildings and art with the stars.
Did you know that during neolithic times, antiquity, up to the Renaissance, astrologers were present everywhere, doctors had to know astrology in order to practice, and many scientists were also astrologers ?
Nowadays, astrology has been over-simplified in magazines, and meanwhile we have modern science showing that planets and stars do influence life on earth and that the traditional system works well on humans when practiced properly (sources found below). I aim to keep this ancient practice alive and informed by modern studies.
Astrology is not meant to be a way to predict the story of our lives in details, or to define somebody without taking their free will into account. Free will matters, and astrology is here to help us see the cosmic weather, the toolbox we have in our personality in this lifetime, among other things. Then what we choose to do with that remains up to us.

I practice a different astrology from the modern, media-based astrology that most people are familiar with nowadays, which has been over-simplified, as it usually does not look at the whole chart properly, and also usually does not allow free will : it over-defines people, focuses on the negative or tries to make exact predictions which is not really possible with astrology.

Instead, I focus on the meanings of the archetypes and symbols of planets, stars and constellations, and how they are arranged in the individual chart, which allows for each one to decide how they want to use them. For example, Mars is not really the planet of war, but of action, assertion, initiative, boundaries. Too much of it, or an unconscious use of it, may turn into conflict, but in essence it is a necessary, natural, healthy energy. We have free will to use the energies however we want, and being aware of how the archetypes influence us can help us make better choices.

I have been studying astrology for more than 10 years, learning from the works of astrologers such as Judith Hill, Demetra George, Rick Levine, among others. I have read hundreds of charts professionally, helping people get a clearer picture. I am also a musician and have traveled the world on 5 continents visiting different cultures for 11 years. I love to research deeply into various disciplines to explore life's mysteries, music and arts, history, herbalism, health, spirituality, etc. I am passionate about finding our place again in the universal ecosystem, living harmoniously with nature inside and outside us. I am researching the connections between planets and stars, plants, musical notes, etc

Why Astrology ?

The universe is one organism, one ecosystem, and all are cells that belong to it. All is one. There is an ecosystem of cells and micro-organisms in our bodies, an ecosystem of all the species around the Earth, and also ecosystems at the scales of solar systems and galaxies.
Our galaxy is composed of billions of solar systems just like ours, and just as planets orbit around stars, all the solar systems also orbit around one huge sun at the center of the galaxy, so the whole galaxy is spinning.

More than 99% of all matter in our galaxy came from this giant sun in the center. Everything we are made of and everything we see come from there. And there are in turn billions of other galaxies in the universe.

Solar systems turn around the central sun of the galaxy, just like planets orbit around the sun. This structure of ecosystems at every scale is a fractal system based on archetypal patterns. Our hearts correspond to the sun in the center of a solar system, and also to the central sun in the center of the galaxy. The center radiates life in all directions. Planets are the organs of the solar system, and all of our own organs and bodily functions correspond to specific planets and stars, for example Venus with kidneys and Mercury with the brain.

At the level of the Earth ecosystem, it has been demonstrated that different species of trees and plants physically respond, and resonate in synchronicity with specific planets, for example the oak with mars, the birch with venus, etc :

Venus orbit forms a rose shape

We can also observe some properties of metals changing in synchronicity with planetary rythms (copper with Venus, iron with Mars, etc) :

And professional astrologers like Judith Hill have worked with modern scientists to demonstrate the validity of astrology reading on humans.
Every time, these recent scientific discoveries confirm what ancient cultures had known and said. And yet there is so much more to discover or rediscover.

Ancient cultures from all continents used to organize their buildings and various other aspects of their lives in alignement with planets and stars, doing much efforts to do so :

As all ancient cultures knew, everything is alive, conscious, and intelligent, the universe is not one big random machine, but a very intelligent organism, organized with rich, complex, beautiful precision, as many geometrical and mathematical alignements in the universe tend to show :

27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864, etc, is a sequence of harmonic numbers found everywhere in nature

All of the parts of this universal organism are interconnected with this universal intelligence : plants, insects, animals, micro-organisms, rivers and mountains, planets and stars, all play their parts intelligently in one big ecosystem. And just like the intelligence of my hand is really the intelligence of me as a whole, the intelligence of all individuals, plants, animals, humans, planets, etc, are really the intelligence of the universe as a whole.

And just as we can see that the acupuncture meridians communicate inside our body, in the same way all the ecosystems around us communicate among all individuals : mushroom networks communicate with all species in the forest, we eat and interact in various ways with other species to integrate energy from other parts of the ecosystem, Earth is composed of various networks, water, air, subtle energies, etc which are like her own acupuncture meridians, and the galactic ecosystem communicate with us : planets and stars interact and resonate with trees, animals, and us humans. Everything is made of archetypes which are expressed as frequencies, which is why we can establish correspondences and connections between humans, animals, herbs, stones, planets, colors, musical notes, etc. This is essentially how astrology works : different fractal scales of the universal ecosystem communicate with each other.

This is my purpose here, to remember, rediscover and explore the connections.  In my practice, I always see the confirmations of archetypes manifesting in people's lives. I do astrology, not to over-define people and place them into boxes, but to remember and explore the connection we have with the world and how it can help us to understand the role we come to play in the human and greater ecosystems that we are part of, and remember our oneness with all.